
At last, a revolutionary breakthrough in putting!


At last, a revolutionary breakthrough in putting!

The Miracle Putting System!

Imagine Getting All Those Easy Putts You’ve Been Missing Up till Now!

Hi, I’m Cameron Strachan, a golfing coach – and if you’re one of the millions of golfers who are frustrated with their putting, you’ve just arrived at the right place.

I’ve coached over 20,000 golfers around the world and have found an extraordinary automatic putter that can improve your game beyond your wildest dreams.

When I saw the stunning results of this automatic putter, I had no hesitation in taking out the global license for it.


Yes, I Said A Free Vacation!*

So You Improve Your Golf Score AND Enjoy A Complimentary Getaway!

(Doesn’t get much better than that!)

The offer you’re about to see is one in a million.

I’m normally very reticent to use such superlatives, but what you’re going to see on this page is quite remarkable.

You’re going to be able to get a proven putting system valued over $1,500 for a crazy investment of just $497.

And you’ll also walk away with a Free Vacation, with a choice of destinations right across the US, Europe, Sth America, Canada, Asia, and Australia.

I have an association with a travel company that gets access to unsold 4 star hotel rooms, and that’s how I can do it!

Hi, I’m Cameron Strachan and I’m known as one of the world’s leading putting experts.

And I’m proud to say that this Automatic Putting System has been a “game-changer” for me personally….& golfers worldwide.

And I mean a “REAL game-changer” – something that has revolutionized putting.

The inventor, Kevin O’Neill, has been a friend for years. We’re both pioneers in the golf coaching world, having shared our unique story and passion with our clients.

Kevin can coach all aspects of golf – but has specialised in the putting game, having been named “The Putting Professor”.

When he approached me, I was impressed by what he had delivered…..& quickly snapped up the distribution license.

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It’s The “Alignment System” That Makes All The Difference

They say the best ideas are simple ones.

I’ve been using this putter for some time now & the DOT System is simply incredible.

It only takes a split second to get the perfect set-up and then you’re away.

Your putting stance and stroke will become consistent because you’re doing the same thing over and over.

I only promote golf products that I would use myself.

When you scroll a little further down this page, I urge you to watch my short 2 to 3 min videos – & you’ll see WHY I’m happy to promote this “proven system”.

Oh…did I mention that “The System” comes with not just “the miracle putter” – but also my “Look n Shoot” video training course AND Private Zoom Personal Coaching from me.

Here’s What You Get:





Watch The Below Short Videos To See HOW This Miracle Putting System Can Dramatically Improve Your Score!

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The video above pretty-much sums it up.

This thing is a bloody sensation – & it can have you blitzing your previous best scores in just 14 days.

No BS……I’ve got the countless email testimonials to prove it (& you can see samples of these further down this page).

Some years back, I helped a junior golfer at my club with his putting.

That junior was Aaron Baddeley and he went on to become one of the best putters on the planet.

At his peak, he led the
USPGA Tour in putting.

“Cameron Strachan turned my putting from the weakest link into my strongest.

His system has helped me become a successful putter, which in turn has enabled me to win professional golf tournaments.”

Aaron Baddeley, PGA Tour Star

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This video & audio online training package is an invaluable resource that you can refer to as often as you like.

It’s exactly the system” that I taught Aaron Baddeley – who went on to be classed as the World’s #1 Putter.

This kit comprises of training on:

  • How to sink more of those “pressure putts”
  • How to eliminate “putting yips”
  • How to unlock your natural putting stroke
  • How to automate your putting stroke
  • How to increase confidence consistently
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I know what it’s like to struggle and
feel hopeless.

I know the embarrassment of playing horrible golf.

I know what it’s like to lose your game completely and feel like
you’re wasting your time.

And I know the frustration of doing everything “right” only to
get worse, not better.

So that’s why I’ve included a
60 min Zoom Coaching Session in this
incredible package.

You’ll be able to email to me any videos of your golf swings & I’ll critique them for you on our Zoom Call.

And you’ll be able to ask any questions & get a response “on-the-spot”.

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Yep, I know it’s hard to believe.

But yes, when you invest in my
Miracle Putting System, you get a complimentary 3 to 7 nights vacation* –
in a 4 Star Tripadvisor rated hotel.

You have idyllic destinations across the US to choose from – the likes of Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, New York, Orlando, Yosemite, San Diego, Chicago…& the list goes on.

And you can also choose from destinations in Sth America, Europe, Asia & the Middle East.

We’re able to give you this jaw-dropping BONUS because we have a relationship with a travel partner who gets access to unsold hotel rooms.

So you can not only dramatically improve your golf score – you can also enjoy a short break on us!

* NOTE: Terms & Conditions Apply & travel not included.Nightly booking fees/taxes also apply.

* See all destinations at



It just doesn’t get much better than this.

You get the opportunity to improve your putting & also enjoy a complimentary break at a 4 Star Hotel.

In A Nutshell, Here’s WHY The Automatic Putter Works Like Crazy.

See it “in action” in the video below.


It works Because It’s Really Simple!

If I have a super skill, it is being able to simplify the putting game and help frustrated golfers sink more putts they know they should make.

There’s something to be said about putting being “easy”.

And because we often hit the ball so well, we naturally feel that getting the ball into the hole should be straightforward.

It isn’t always the case….& the following could possibly be “you”.

Experience tells me that you might’ve over complicated the putting game (many do!).

You think too much about it and you try too hard.

And after months (or years) of fumbling around with the putter in your hands, you’ve slowly destroyed your natural flair for putting.

Now, you struggle to get the ball into the hole from 3 feet.

You miss lots of these “gimmes” and you 3-putt way more than you like.

You feel anxious. You get nervous. And you lack any sort of belief that you can do it again.

Simply, you have little trust in your own ability to roll the ball into the hole.

If this sounds like you, I know what you’re going through.

The above is a carbon-copy of my story.

I used to flush the ball from tee to green but then make an idiot of myself on the greens.

My story differs from most because before I helped a junior golfer at my club with his putting.

That junior was Aaron Baddeley and he went on to become one of the best putters on the planet.


“Cameron Strachan turned my putting from the weakest link into my strongest…..

I believe that Cameron’s methodology will help you improve your putting and turn it into your greatest strength”.

Aaron Baddeley

PGA Tour Star

But this isn’t about Aaron. It’s about helping you putt better.

My research suggests that only 2% of golfers can make the technical approach work for them.

For the other 98% all the technique disrupts their learning style.

The very thing that you’re probably currently using to fix your putting – all those tips & theories – are actually causing you the pain in my view.

I call my approach Natural Learning and I’ve devoted the last 25 years of my life to exploring its full potential.

And along my journey, I’ve helped over 20,000 golfers unlock their authentic putting game.

That’s why this Miracle Putting System is an incredible “game-changer” – the actual putter & the training.

You want to stop feeling so anxious each time you walk onto the green.

You just want to sink more of the putts you know you should make!

If that’s the case, then I believe you’re at the right place!



Upon purchasing the Miracle Putting System, we’ll immediately email a Vacation Voucher to you that entitles you to a complimentary 3 to 7 Night Vacation.

This Voucher will give you 3 to 7 Nights complimentary hotel accommodation* (travel not included & booking fees/taxes apply).

You can choose from idyllic destinations across the US – such as Vegas, New York, San Diego, Grand Canyon, Orlando, Nashville, New Orleans, Palm Springs, Yosemite & more.

Or European locations in the UK, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, Austria, France, Sweden & more.

Or you may prefer Cancun, Singapore, Phuket, Bali or Fiji – there’s over 100 destinations globally for you to choose from.

We estimate the value of the vacation accommodation as being
“up to $1,000.

And we can provide this remarkable BONUS because we have a travel partner who gets access to “unsold hotel rooms” – mainly outside of school vacation periods.

Check Out What Other People Are Saying About My Putting System...

Hello Cameron, love your stuff.

In the space of 3 rounds of golf my handicap has gone down to 15, I drove my first ever drive over 300 metres and played my home course in 77 (par 70), the best gross score I have had in more than 25 years.

I am 67 years old and never thought that I could manage to do this with my back problem … by applying the principles of ‘the automatic putter’ I’ve become a very happy golfer

Jeff R


In a conflicted and confusing world of golf coaching, I’m not sure if anyone clears the noise and makes more sense than Cameron Strachan.

Scott Barrow

Super Coach

My game has improved 100% and probably more importantly is that my enjoyment levels are through the roof.

Shane Wooton


Cameron, I got your package … and had the best round in 5 weeks! 38 points and 15 better than my previous.



Hi Cameron I really like your simple approach to golf, my game has definitely improved since coming onboard with you …  handicap from 29 down to 24 at the moment

Scott Young


For Just $497,
You Can Improve Your Putting Forever!


* Travel not included & Terms & Conditions apply. A nightly booking fee is applicable.